Lou J berger
colorado author
to my readers
My highest goal is to write stories that entertain, that cause my readers to think about stuff in a slightly different way, and to move your emotions. I may not always write upbeat, optimistic things, but please know that I cherish my readership and humbly thank you for believing in me.
The Offerings
Blog Articles
My natterings include reviews of books I enjoy, announcements concerning my writing, and the occasional random musing.
Authorly Services
I sometimes lend my editing services to fellow authors I find interesting.
Speaking Topics
I speak on many topics concerning science-fiction, short story craft, and more.
I’ve recently completed audio narration on William Stiteler’s book Walking the Line.
Watch for updates on when and where to find me.
Short Stories
Read dozens of my stories right here.
Original Shorts
By Lou J Berger
the One
Lou J Berger
Lou J Berger
The Sixth
Diplomatic Expedition
Lou J Berger
featured story
The Walking Man
A sci-fi western set in gold-mining Dry Gulch, Utah, the town saloon contemplates the presence of a robotic companion.
2019 Finalist for Writers of the Future, The Walking Man is one of Lou J Berger’s best works to date and has also appeared in Galaxy’s Edge magazine, where this story opened the issue!

We shape the path we walk by whom we surround ourselves with, and by culling the anchors that drag us down into despair, self-loathing, and hatred, we enable balloons to gather closer to us.
Surround yourself with balloon people, they who smile for no reason, who delight in joy and laughter, and who fill your days with insights and positive affirmations.
Eschew anchors.
Testimonials & Featured Clients
Short Stories
Article on Writing
Cups of Tea
Sometimes I write About Writing
Today is the launch of the "More Alternative Truths" anthology! From the foreword by David Gerrold, all the way to Jane Yolen's cutting poem "Trickster Times," this is an anthology of funny and heart-wrenching tales of what MAY happen if "alternative truths" become...
Writers and Illustrators of the Future Contest
I want to chat about the Writers and Illustrators of the Future contest. For many beginning writers (and illustrators, but I'm going to only talk about the writing side), the WoTF contest is a nice way to hurl your creations up against the wall of professional editing...
More Alternative Truths (and my latest published story!)
Bob Brown, editor emeritus, asked me to contribute a story to his second anthology dealing with Alternative Truths, entitled "More Alternative Truths." It gave me an idea to finally go ahead and write a story that's been bouncing around in my brainpan for the last...